Project 365

Week 2 | 2019

In my second week of daily shooting, I did a slightly better job of remembering that I would like to take photos when there is still some natural light available. And that I need to keep my camera ready for meaningful moments, interactions, and happy times with friends.

Things that are super helpful for daily shooting, and make me feel confident I will complete this 365:

1. A photography studio in my basement. I know that even if I totally blow it and don’t pick up my camera all day, I can go down to my studio and bribe a child to sit for a portrait. I haven’t had to do that yet, but I am very sure it is coming soon.

2. My Fuji X100F. It is always in my purse. And I won’t be able to sell it without repairing the scratched LCD, because it has been wrestling around in my bag with my keys for a few years now. I don’t love the low light performance, but overall, it has been a good camera to have.

3. Dogs. I love my dog. She is kind of my muse these days. And we are hoping to get a new puppy VERY soon, which will result in a ridiculously happy puppy photo overload.

Week 1 | 2019

Hi. It has been a while. I am very rusty with blogging and daily personal shooting, and I am just going to push through that and get back to sharing my images here. I am no longer sharing much on social media. I am trying to escape from Facebook, which is tricky. I am still using Instagram, with mixed feelings. I have recommitted myself to Flickr, and am participating in a great Project 365 group there.

I have been floundering around for a few weeks trying to decide how to share my 365 photos here, and trying to figure out all of my website and blogging and life plans, and really what I need to do for now is just dive in. So without further ado, because frankly I think we have all had WAY too much ado, here my first week of 2019. It is going to be a great year.

Week 52 | 2016

We said goodbye to Meadow this week. I am happy that we had a chance to spend some time with her and say goodbye, and that she was mostly comfortable. We are still in shock that she is gone. Sometimes we think we see her, or hear the sounds of her tags. For two days in a row, we have forgotten to turn off our house alarm in the morning- we have always turned it off when we would let her out to go to the bathroom.

We had Christmas, and now we are heading into our New Year’s Eve celebration with kids- lots of garbage food from Trader Joe’s, board games, staying up to watch the ball drop. Like pretty much everyone else I know, we are ready to move on from 2016. Seems like it wasn’t a great year for most people. I am relieved and happy to be done with the obligation of daily shooting, and incredibly excited to start all of the new things I have planned.

Here are more than seven photos from the last week. I wanted to include more of Meadow, since as soon as I publish this I will be printing my entire Wordpress blog into a book and moving to Squarespace. Yes, Lida has makeup on in the photo where she is reading to Meadow. She had been playing dress up earlier in the day. Lida learned how to make coffee this week, and Milena learned how to make tea. They ask us over and over all day if they can get us a cup of either. The answer is usually yes.

Love and light for 2017…